10 March 2025

Waste management at the workplace in 7 SIMPLE steps.

According to a recent study on the Waste management at the workplace, over 70% of the waste produced by businesses could be recycled or reused. However, many companies have not yet put the necessary systems in place to manage the company’s waste.

Effective waste management can also lead to financial savings. But it can also improve brand image and promote regulatory compliance. In this context, well-structured waste management becomes a crucial issue. This article guides you through the 7 key steps to managing your company’s waste effectively.

Qu’est-ce que la gestion des déchets en entreprise ?

Corporate waste management refers to the processes and practices used to handle, treat and dispose of the waste generated by a company’s activities in a responsible manner. This includes the collection, sorting, storage, transport, recycling, recovery and disposal of waste. Whether paper, IT equipment, glass, plastic, furniture or other.

The aim is to minimise environmental impact while complying with legal and regulatory frameworks. This management takes into account the entire life cycle of products, from the purchase of raw materials to the final disposal of waste.

In short, the main objectives of corporate waste management are to reduce the amount of waste produced. As well as maximising the recycling and reuse of materials, and minimising the environmental impact of residual waste. All the while choosing more environmentally-friendly solutions.

Corporate waste management is much more than a regulatory obligation; it’s a strategic opportunity.

By adopting effective waste management practices, businesses can reduce their costs. As well as improving their reputation, engaging employees, encouraging innovation and preparing for a sustainable future. Ultimately, responsible waste management is not only good for business. But also for society and the planet as a whole.

In France today, waste management is increasingly governed by legislation. They require companies to sort, recover and treat their waste in an environmentally-friendly way.

The relevant legislation

Name of lawDateDetails
Decree on “5 flows”2016Obligation for all businesses to set up source separation and separate collection of paper/cardboard, metal, plastic, glass and wood waste.
Obligation for businesses producing more than 10 tonnes of bio-waste per year to sort bio-waste at source (since 2016).
The threshold will be lowered to 5 tonnes of biowaste per year from 1 January 2023.
From 31 December 2023, all professionals will be required to sort bio-waste at source, regardless of the annual quantity produced.
The AGEC law2020An anti-waste law dating from 2020, requires businesses to treat bio-waste at source by the end of January 2024 at the latest. See the article
Obligation for construction and public works companies to sort waste2021Obligation to sort seven waste streams: paper/cardboard, plastic, glass, wood, metal, mineral fractions and plaster.
Extended producer responsibility subsidiary2022Creation of an extended producer responsibility subsidiary to set up a territorial network enabling construction and public works companies to benefit from collection points close to their sites.
Mandatory sorting of textile waste2025From 1 January 2025, all professionals will be required to sort and collect textile waste separately.
Specific sorting for certain types of wasteNot specifiedObligation to carry out specific sorting for producer responsibility waste, such as office furniture, electrical and electronic equipment and chemical products.
Use of sorting information and signs affixed to the product, its packaging or any other accompanying document, which may be dematerialised.

To sum up, waste management in companies in France is governed by a set of laws and regulations. These aim to ensure that waste management is environmentally friendly, responsible and compliant with current standards. Companies must comply with these requirements to minimise their environmental impact and avoid penalties.

The 5 types of waste correspond respectively to the types of waste mentioned in the ‘5 streams’ decree, i.e. :

Paper / Cardboard

Pictogramme Papier et carton


Pictogramme Plastique


Pictogramme Verre


Pictogramme Métaux


Pictogramme Bois
Un homme devant un écran géant avec des analyses de donnée RSE

Waste assessment and diagnosis

The first step is simply to map your company’s waste production accurately.

How do you do this?

You need to identify the types of waste generated by your professional activity, their volumes, and the current handling and disposal processes.

List the various information on your waste. This information will be very useful in managing and organising the actions to be taken.

Example below:

  • Sources : office, production workshop, archives, transport, logistics, etc.
  • Types of waste : paper, plastic, cardboard, food, etc.
  • Volumes of waste generated.
  • Hazardousness of waste.
  • The recyclability of the waste.

Finally, assess the quantity of waste emitted and the volume of each type of waste. Identify waste in production processes and in the organisation of workshops.

Setting objectives

The second stage is crucial in the future progress of waste organisation and management. You need to set targets such as ‘I must not exceed 15 tonnes of waste per year’, ‘I must purchase 10 new sorting bins for my company’ or similar.

A waste management policy sets out the company’s objectives in terms of waste reduction, recycling and elimination, as well as the strategies and measures to be put in place to achieve these objectives. You need to set yourself so-called “SMART” objectives, which are ambitious but achievable. The aim here is to implement the good strategies to achieve the targets set.

Un homme qui vise une cible représentant ses objectifs
Deux personnes assise en train de remplir un questionnaire RSE

Recycling training and awareness-raising

The third stage is training and awareness-raising. It is crucial that all employees understand the importance of waste management and know how to contribute to achieving the objectives set by the company. They can be a great help to the company. It also raises awareness of current environmental conditions and the need to sort and recycle waste.

Infrastructure and sorting equipment

The fourth step concerns the sorting equipment and infrastructure provided, which must be put in place for the collection, sorting, recycling and disposal of household waste. As well as other waste that may be found in the company (paper, coffee capsules, plastic bottles, etc.).

It’s up to you to consider the most suitable and appropriate locations for installing these facilities on your premises. Depending on the configuration of your offices, certain areas will be preferable, such as the lobby, the catering area or certain particularly busy corridors. If you’re looking for new offices, partners such as Spliit can help you see things more clearly during visits and direct you towards spaces that are perfectly suited to the installation of this type of infrastructure.

Un homme qui range des objets dans un carton
Partenariats avec des entreprises de recyclage

Partnerships with recycling companies

The fifth step is to set up partnerships. If you form one or more partnerships (depending on your needs) with service providers specialising in waste management, these partners can provide services such as waste collection and treatment, energy recovery and recycling. They will also be of great assistance in your efforts to manage your company’s waste.

Monitoring and improving waste management

The sixth stage is monitoring and continuous improvement of waste management methods for professionals. You will need regular monitoring of progress in waste reduction, recycling and elimination.

Use this data to continually improve processes. Implementing an environmental management system can also help structure this continuous improvement process.

Producing an annual report on the actions taken and their results is an interesting way of demonstrating the value of the approach to management teams and teams in the field.

Suivi et amélioration de la gestion des déchets
Communication interne et externe

Internal and external communication

The seventh step is to communicate regularly about the actions taken and the results achieved. You are asking employees to get involved, now is the time to share with them the results of this collective action with impact. This reinforces the commitment of employees and enhances the image of the company in the eyes of customers, suppliers and other stakeholders regarding your environmental progress.

Green Office can provide you with invaluable help to improve the waste management at your workplace.

Advice and support

We advise you on the choice of solutions and locations. This global approach guarantees you optimisation and quality of sorting with the highest proportion of waste recovery. At the same time, it brings you significant operating savings.

Our attractive sorting solutions

We have developed a unique range of company waste sorting solutions. Designed to optimise waste management while maximising its recovery. These solutions not only improve operational efficiency, but also contribute to significant savings on operating costs.

We have a wide range of customisable products with different styles and shapes to suit your needs.

Digital optimisation solutions

Our digital solutions help companies to involve their employees in order to become more efficient in managing their waste. All the while realising savings in their operating costs.

We have an application to help with sorting and recycling (Green.Me) to make managing internal services faster and more flexible. Through the use of connected bins, facilitating the experience at work.

As well as sorting solutions and innovative software (Wiew) that will help you sort better, optimise and reduce your waste. Wiew helps you to manage your waste collection more efficiently, benefit from better organisation and rapidly reduce your operational costs. Thanks to the use of connected terminals, the experience at work is made easier.


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